For Detailed Information about Prince Edward Island, Write or Visit THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND TRAVEL BUREAU B. Graham Rogers, Supervisor, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. I Bin/1 I171] Tourist Home l i ON THE MAIN HIGHWAY t ‘ 11/2 MILES EAST OF SUMMERSIDE 1 ‘ Overnight—By the Day—or By the Week MRS. GEO. A. SMALL 3 SUMMERSIDE EAST, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ‘ HILLCREST 300 yards off main paved highway just East of l Summerside t MODERN CONVENIENCES—TOURIST RATES Open May to November MRS. ARTHUR McEWEN, SUMMERSIDE, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Phone 23-2 VISIT SUMMERSIDE Prince Edward Isand. Make your home at the QUEEN HOTEL “BY THE SEA” Excellent Accommodations Reasonable Rates “Our Guests Come Year After Year” BISHOP’S 0M & RESTA AR R0 DINER STYLE URAN T DINE AND DANCE SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN—SEA FOODS On Main Highway 1/; Mile West of SUMMERSIDE TOURISTS EAT HERE YEAR AFTER YEAR —24 Hour Service— 1E CHAN’S RESTAURANT CHINESE AND CANADIAN FOODS o SUPERB CUISINE o DISTINGUISHED ATMOSPHERE 0 CENTRAL LOCATION Ultra Modern Interior WATER ST, - - - SUMMERSIDE Prince Edward Island l Superior Drug Store Service Kodaks, Films, Toiletries, Souvenirs Prompt Film Service. S M T BUS HEADQUARTERS Tickets to All Points Sold Here GOURLIES LIMITED mMDwW SUMMERSIDE, P. E. I. PHONE 36 I Garden of the Gulf Cabins, Cottages and Tourist Home (GOVERNMENT APPROVED) VAUGHAN H. GROOM, Prop. Excellent Private Beach with Bath Houses — Boating, Etc. — Running Water—Flush Toilets—and Electric Lights in all Cabins—Hot and Cold Showers All cabins are heated and equipped With Way Sagless Spring Filled Mattresses and Beds. FILLING STATION, GAS, OILS, ETC. “SPECIAL BREAKFASTS” Tea Room in Connection Cabins and Equipment new and the finest in SUMMERSIDE, Prince Edward Island Located on Main Highway