i j (near Sackville) is operated in co-operation .j with New Brunswick. i a This is where the main highway turns north-east to Prince Edward Island—Canada’s Garden Gem sur- rounded by velvety beaches and warm salt water. THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND TRAVEL BUREAU B. Graham Rogers, Supervisor. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Our Branch Information Bureau at Aulac l l ROYAL r HOTEL THE ISLAND’S LARGEST l DRUG STORE 1 SAINT JOHN, N. B. 0 3 SOUVENIRS ' . . 1 TOILETRIES A Hotel You W111 lee l TOBACCOS As/‘a SteadfaSt Situated in the centre of the ‘ FISHING TACKLE Companion business district. CONFECTIONERY 1K We solicit the patronage of Commercial Travellers. CAMERAS & FILMS . Sample rooms in connection, 3 l with private telephone in each SODA FOUNTAIN room. and , First class meals, comfortable LUNCH ROOM ' rooms, courteous staff. . . , . ,, 4) Special attention given to ladies and children. “Qulck Film Serv1ce REDDIN BROS. Opposite Market Square CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. LIMITED W ROY AMIRAUIT, Manager THE ROYAL HOTEL co. X I WENDALL H. BEATON, MGR. A VONLEA LODGE i SPECialiZing T0 Tourists In Prince Edward Island National Park—Adjoin- in ing Golf Course and Anne of Green Gables Home. Hooked Mats and Rugs, Pottery, Paintings, Afghans, Bedspreads, Quilts, Cushions, Lace Work. ALL HAND MADE — SEE OUR DISPLAY 78 Grafton St., Opposite Prince Edward Theatre Open Evenings CHARLOTTETOWN, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Paved road within 4 miles MODERN COTTAGES—«SIMMONS BEDS— CENTRAL DINING HALL—HOME COOKING MRS. ALLAN WYAND CAVENDISH BEACH, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Write for Folder l ISLAND HANDICRAFT SHOP l *nAVEN’Dnn nEAcn " f