FARM FACTS F ROM “THE MILLION ACRE FARM” (Contiinued from page 12) Milton’ s Old RESTAURANT Spaln AND TEA ROOM and boasts some wonderful herds of various breeds. Delicious dairy products are much appre- ciated by epicures and health-seekers among visiting vacationis ts. Mothers of families par- ticularly are alive) to the healthful benefits of good, fresh Island dairy foods. Island production of pork, lamb, and poultry is growing rapidly and under a strictly enforced system of Government grading, the demand for these products is rapidly increasing. Island eggs are superb in quality and the difficulty always is to keep the supply equal to the demand. Fruits and vegetables, delicious in flavor and fine in texture, are produced in the iron-rich red Island soil. And, recently, large acreages of waste lands have been put under cultivation as cran- berry bogs. The quality of this bright accom- paniment to the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey may be judged by the fact that the crop is all sold before it is picked! _ CAB|NS pRlVATE HOME Another interesting Farm Fact about Prince , , _ Edward Island is the ever-increasing production 0n Mam nghway_0ut5k'rts Charlottetown We take pleasure in catering To the Tourist Trade Seating Capacity 182 151 KENT STREET, CHARLOTTETOWN Milton Bell, Proprietor of an exceptionally fine type of grass seed used to NEW CABINS —— FLUSH TOILETS — carpet Golf Courses. Not content with supplying HOT AND COLD WATER an abundance and variety of good things to eat, 1 T as well as beautiful furs for my lady’s adornment, CONVENIERT DINING ROOM Island farmers must also add to the gaiety of MrS~ T- R- Beer, Phone 1331 nations by making it easier to play the ancient CHARLOTTETOWN, and honorable game of golf! PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND “Watch for our Sign” Simmons Innerspring Mattresses Coninuous Hot Water _&_—=——_—-—mmfl_ Malpeque Road Charlottetown, P. E. I. ah? “mirth P115 , ’ Opposite CFCY Towers 0n Route 2 A HONIEY RESPECTABLE PLACE T H E B I R c H E s tleis-PA- J- :tEAl:TzPh 124 W ON THE HIGHWAY Corner Ken an “nee Tee 5’ one TOURIST HOME AND CABINS WN, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND _ CHARLOTTETO Spac10us lawns and shade trees with comfortable lounging chairs, back from the road and traffic noise. Cabins with private toilets, running water and spring filled matresses, located far apart to offer privacy. Every convenience for your com— fort. Watch for signs. Rates $1.00 per night—Breakfast if desired MRS. JAS. B. BLAKE Phone 308-L NEWITEAD TOURIST HOME - OVERNIGHT CABINS Located at Milton, Five Miles West of Charlottetown on Route 2 (Main Highway) Running Water Showers Electric Light Heated Cabins : : : Meals Optional A. C. DUFFETT, Proprietor. PHONE 1586-2 [ Glen Alden Cabins One Mile From Chailottetown On Main Highway Route 2 l l i 15 DeLuxe Heated Cabins QUEEN HOTEL——== AT CHARLOTTETOWN Toulists Delight in Staying Here Spring Filled Mattresses ‘ Running Water—Showers—Kitchenette—Toilet . in Each Cabin— Electric Lights. WATCH FOR SIGN MRS. G. BALLINGALL Telephone 1336 Proprietress. OUR FISH MEALS ARE FAMOUS llll||||||||||||||||||||l||l||||||| ||||||I1l|l||||l|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt HARRY C. BROWN, Proprietor 39