J/ze 1012214. .Sludh 5/10/12, 14¢ flail/ace fdwwwl guano], In sharp contrast to Prince Edward Island’s northern coast with its sand dunes and surf, is the gentle serenity of the South Shore, long the happy retreat of native Island vacationists. Family parties especially enjoy the South Shore where the beach slopes ever so gradually, and where the protected waters of Northumber- land Strait are warm and caressing. Epicures, too, are keen about this part of Prince Edward Island. For these “Good Eaters” such names as Abram’s Village, Victoria, Point Prim, Pinette, Fortune and Souris are synonymous with fresh-boiled lobster, rose-fleshed and indes- cribably delicious! Charlottetown, mid-way of the South Shore, with its harbor where the waters of three beau- tiful rivers meet, is the center of an unsurpassed summer playground area. Summerside, t h e Island’s second-largest town, has a fine harbor, excellent bathing, boating, and trout fishing facilities, and is the home of the largest small-town Department store in Canada. To the east of Summerside are Bedeque, Tryon and Victoria, where the Island’s finest farming country delights the eye as much as its products please the palate. The many small seaside villages dotting the South Shore are a source of constant delight to visitors. At Egmont Bay and Mount Carmel many of the interesting customs and traditions of the Island’s first European settlers, the French Acadians, are preserved. In these villages are found two of the finest rural Catholic Churches The famous church at Belfast, in Canada. Prince Edward Island. In the historic Belfast section there is a fine \ old Church, and an interesting monument to the Murray Harbor and Murray River, too, attract the Island’s early Scotch settlers. Nearby is pretty vacationist and particularly the ardent trout Pomt Prim—an ideal seaside vacation resort. angler. Wood Island, terminal of a new auto— ”WE OFFERS Protection For Them - Independence For You If you die, Life Insurance will guarantee to your family the needs of life. If you live,it will make you self-supporting in your old age. This protection or independence can be procured only while you are in good health. Act now before illness or accident can deprive you of your opportunity. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA Established 1887 40 SEQSUWCE CQMPANY