mobile ferry service to Nova Scotia, is also a popular summer resort. Then there is hustling, thriving Montague, only twenty-eight miles by road from Charlotte- town; and Georgetown, eight miles farther on, rivalling the Island Capital itself with its fine harbor where three rivers meet. All of George— town’s rivers are noted trout streams. Fortune and Souris are well-known havens for summer recuperation long sought by travel-wise Amer- icans and Canadians. Excellent hotel accommoda- tions, magnificent beaches and the trout fishing available in the East and North Lakes make the Souris country ideal for vacationists. Undeniably, the South Shore of Prince Edward Island was designed by Nature for those wise mortals who seek a happy holiday of quiet pleasure and genuine relaxation. . . . "V _ / WHEN VISITING FREDERICTON STOP AT BARKER HOUSE FREDERICTON’S BEST HOTEL European Plan — Rooms with Running Water $1.00 to $1.50 Single; Rooms with Private Bath $2.00 to $2.50 Single Up-to-date Lunch and Dining Room in connection S. L. C. COLEMAN, Prop., Fredericton, N. B. “SOURIS BY THE SEA” COX HOTEL SOURIS, - Prince Edward Island HOTEL AND PAVILION NEAR THE SEA TENNIS COURT EXCELLENT BATHING FACILITIES BOATING DEEP SEA AND TROUT FISHING FISH DINNERS GOOD HOME COOKED MEALS A SPECIALTY NO MO‘SQUITOES Ocean breezes, bracing atmosphere and excellent meals, make your vacation here a pleasant one. MODERATE RATES GORDON F. ROPE‘R, (Proprietor) Enquiries from previous guests at this well known hotel is the best recom- mendation we can give you. .D UNDARA VE LODGE CARDIGAN, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Splendid Trout Fishing Open All Year - - Reasonable Rates Excellent Food ’SEA‘ASIDE' INN AT STANHOPE BY THE SEA (National Park Area) FINE BEACHES—HOME COOKING—FRESH F OODS—FISH DINNERS Send for Folder J. W. Warren. Mgr. STANHOPE, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND By The Sea HEDGEMER SOURIS, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Mrs. W. C. Wright, Prop. Beautifully Situated—Windows Overlooking the Ocean—No Mosquitoes—Wonderful Beach—Fish Dinners a Specialty. All Home Cooked Foods, Beds with Beauty Rest Mattresses. Modern Conveniences. FISHING AND BOATING Rates on Application 41