" Come to Prince Edward Island by Air Travel further Arrive sooner Have more time here Longer Vacations When You Fly. Trans-Canada Air Lines otter two schedules daily except Sunday between Moncton, N. B., and Summerside—Charlottetown, P. E. l. DIRECT CONNECTIONS BY AIR FROM ALMOST ANYWHERE IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES ONEWAY FARES' RETURN FARES' Via Trans-Canada Air Lines S'side Ch’town S’sirle Ch’town Leave Toronto (Daily) 7.30 a.m. (S. 11.15 p.m. 50.85 52.35 91.50 94.20 ” Ottawa " 9.05 a.m. 6 12.50 am. 37.30 38.35 57.15 69.85 Montreal ” 10.15 am. 6! 2.00 am. 30.70 32.20 55.25 57.95 Arrive Moncton ” 2.10 pm. 6r 5.55 a.rn. 5.00 6.50 9 00 1170 Via American 6! Northeast Airlines Leave New York (Daily) 7.02 am. 6. 3.02 pm. 43.25 44.75 77.90 80.60 " Boston " 9.10 am. 6. 4.30 pm. 3130 32.80 56.40 59.10 Leave Moncton (Ex. Sun) 11.00 mm. 5 5.05 pm ’Tickets sold in Canada Arrive Summerside " 11.50 cam. 6. 5 55 pm subject to Government tax. " Charlottetown " 12.15 p.m. G 6.20 pm Fares and times shown are subiect to change without notice. Pull particulars, from your local airline office, Consult your railway or travel agent—or write; PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND TRAVEL BUREAU CHARLOTTETOWN, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Th6 Brunswick Dalvay House and Moneton’s Leading Hotel Sfanhope Beach Inn CALLING YOU I Spacious lobby, wide halls, comfort- able, airy rooms, meals well cooked and well served, courteous service, Both on the Shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence moderate rates. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND EXCELLENT CUISINE Good Sandy Beach Surf Bathing Golf—Tennis—Deep Sea Fishing—Saddle Riding ’ . Dalvay House is owned by THE NATIONAL You 11 like to stay at PARKS OF CANADA and operated by THE BRUNSWICK ’ LIMITED W. C. DeBOW, Manager . _ For Information, Etc., Write: MONCTON, - - New Brunswick P.O.Box334, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Owners and Operators of Stanhope Beach Inn