PIIIICG Edward lslundiis ”IT“ AS A TOURIST RESORT Prince Edward Island is increasing in popular- ity every year as a tourist and health resort. There is no place in Canada with a more salubrious climate, which is one of its outstanding character- istics. Its remarkable health promoting qualities make The Island a favorite resort for tourists and a permanent place of residence for many who de- light in a climate with a happy mean—neither too hot in Summer nor too cold in Winter. While the country looks its best in the Summer months with its beauty of verdure and fragrance of blossoms. the Autumn is also a delightful season; the air is cool and exhilarating and the sunshine bright and mellow, while the landscape is splendid, the gold and green and crimsom of the changing foli- age is a picture of unsurpassed beauty. Due to the influence of the surrounding sea the Province is singularly free from extremes of heat and cold. The Winters are bracing but not unusually severe and there are seldom long periods of severe weather. FINANCES The finances of the Province are in a highly satisfactory condition compared with other Prov- inces, its net indebtedness and taxation being the lowest in Canada. The people as a whole are in comfortable circumstances—eat well, dress well, live well and die at an older age that in any other part of Canada. AS A MARKET This is an ideal all the year round, year-out, year-in field for marketing household and other products in general use and luxuries as well. A READING POPULATION The people are readers and more than every second family on Prince Edward Island subscribes to or reads THE CHARLOTTETOWN GUARDIAN every day Of publication. NO other morning news- ‘ paper can reach the Province as a whole within 24 hours of publication. The Guardian is delivered in the homes from one end of the Province to the other, and the people are able to read and relish the news when it is fresh and the aadvertisements when they are effective and attractively set forth. You can get access to this ideal market through the c o l u m n s of “THE CHARLOTTETOWN GUARDIAN” at an exceedingy moderate rate. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (Prince Edward Island) Leave Wood Islands: 7.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 3.00 p.m., ‘7.00 p.m. Leave Caribou: 9.00 a.m., 1,00 p.m., 5.00 p.m., I'9.00 p.m. ‘On Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the months of Iuly, August and September only. All other trips daily including Sunday. RATES AUTOMOBILES PASSENGERS Single, $2.00; ‘Return, $3.00. Single, 40c; ‘Return, 65c. TRUCKS Up to 15 it. overall, Single, $2.00; Return, $3.00. From 15 It. to 18 It., Single, $3.00; Return, $54.50. Over 18 It. overall length for each additional foot in length or .‘raction of a foot, Single, 15c,- Refurn, 25c. 'Return portion of "Prince Nova” ticket will be honored on S. S. Charlottetown plying between Port Borden, Prince Ed- ward Island, and Cape Tormentine, N. B., and Vice versa. HANDICRAFT l {MATS —— QUILTS —— LACEt HAND PAINTED ARTICLES, ETC. l MRS. WILFRED J. MacDONALD Cove Head Road—Adjacent National Park PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND A Canadian gasoline gallon (Imperial mea- sure) is one sixth larger than the American gallon. NEW MODERN CAR FERRY WOOD ISLANDS TO CARIBOU (Nova Scotia, near Pictou) CAPACITY—OVER 30 AUTOMOBILES SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS Not Applicable to Trucks. LUNCHES SERVED NORTHUMBERLAN‘D FERRIES LIMITED CHARLOTTETOWN. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SUMMER HOUSES AND COTTAGES IN THE COUNTRY AND NEAR BEACHES - - - FOR SALE OR TO LET FARMS FOR SALE in all parts of the Island. Moderate Prices—with easy terms of payment. CITY HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO RENT BUILDING LOTS IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS H. K. S. HEMMING 8: CO. 142 Richmond St., Charlottetown, P. E. I. EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE Visitors from all parts are captivated with The Island’s wonderful charm QUIET, RE STFUL AND HEALTH GIVING 43