DRUMMOND AND ST. CATHERINE 5T8. MONTREAL. QUE. A distinguished hotel that is noted for its charm and hospitality. 150 Rooms—150 Baths. Famous Grill that is reserved for those who know how to “eat, wait and appreciate”. Situated in the heart of Montreal’s shopping and theatre district. Few minutes from all important train and bus terminals. Rates $3., $4., $5. Write for booklet. QWMWILNNJMUMMM Woolens . . . We carry a complete stock of high class woolens in Coatings, Suitings, etc. To—Through—From PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND BY MOTOR COACH Direct imports from England, Scot— Direct connections with Greyhound Lines permit land and Ireland. departure from Boston at noon arriving any point on the Island the following afternoon. NOVELTIES We also have an outstanding line of Novelties for Tourists. Also Wood Carvings. S. A. McDONALD’S The Island’s Leading Store CHARLOTTETOWN, : P. E. I. IIIIll|llIIIIIll|Ill||II|Ill|||IIII|||llIllll|IIII|||l||||ll|||||||I||l||||ll||lllll|||ll|||IIIllIlll|ll|||l|llIllllllIllllll||Il|IllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII =n ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[|||“|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| l 44 Returning leaves any point on The Island in the morning arriving Boston the following noon. Local Service Throughout The Island Souris—Tignish SMT SYSTEM and ISLAND MOTOR TRANSPORT CHARLOTTETOWN, Prince Edward Island “_J||||||lIllIIIIIIII!|||||Illlllllllllll|||||||||l|||||l||||||l||||||||||||||||||||||||I||||||Illlllllll fillllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||l||||||||||||||||ll|||II||||||||||II|||||||||||||||||||I||||| ||||