0M 942w, fhahbflatown, Elam!

It was a proud day for us when we moved into our new offices and warehouse, Corner Pownal and Water Streets, in Charlottetown. In the work of building we encountered the usual difficulties, some large, others small. We had t( carry on our regular business and at the same tin:e watch over the erection of our Charlottetowr. home. We deeply appreciate the patience of our patrons dur- ing the building period. Thank you, a lot!

The Glamour of Prince Edward Island

The glamour of Prince Edward Island appeals to us more strongly today than ever before; we don’t wonder that the number of visitors t( The Island is steadily increasing. We are glad to co- operate with The Travel Bureau in publicizng a province which deserves all tle good things that are said about it—and more.

New Offices and Warehouse of Eastern Hay & Feed 00., Limited, at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Islanl

Better Service than Ever Before

But we now occupy our commodious business home, which has been found most satisfactory in every particular. The big idea is that our new Home enables us to give our ever-increasing Island customers better service than ever before. We now have room to greet our friends .ind patrons, room to swing, room to properly store goods in right temperatures, facilities to make prompt deliveries and to sell at prices that will enable our patrons to make money for themselves. The savings effected by purchasing in large quantities for eight wholesale branch warehouses are passed on to our patrons.

A Wholesale Grocery At Its Best

We carry everything that you expect to find in an up-to—date wholesale grocery warehmse: Groceries, Feeds and Flour, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Canned Milk, Onions, Spices, Corfec- tionery, Tobacco, Cigarettes, School Supplies, etc.

We import highest grade fancy Barbados Molasses, Shelled Nuts and Dried Fruits. We always stand behind our goods.

In these dark days of uncertainty it is our clear duty to keep our courage up, to carry 01 as well as we can, to trust our leaders and leave the issues with the all powerful Ruler of the Universe.


Head Office: Sackville, N. B., with branches at Moncton, Newcastle, Sussex and Bathurst, N. 1;. Amherst and Parrsboro, Nova Scotia