Our fortieth year of W. 1.

Oh, how fast those year did fly!

It surely called for a celebration.

We decided it must be before summer vacation.

April 30th was our selection.

(We didn ’t know Alec would spring an election) But we decided to stick to our original date Though Aquinas, Mel orAlec have met their fate.

We are happy tonight to have with us here Former members and our husbands dear

Without whom we would have missed many a meeting When it showed, or rained, or was also sleeting.

Though we can ’t deny we enjoy the lunch

That isn ’t the main aim of this W.I. bunch.

“For Home and Country our motto is

And school and Red Cross were our main business.

We’ve done can vassing for many good causes

And worked year after year without any pauses

We ’ve treated the sick and shut-ins remembered.

And for new-comers to the district parties have tendered.

Each month we send money to school for frills That are enjoyed by the'little Jacks and Jills.

We do the fire insurance collection

Which we should all pay for our own protection.

To Open each meeting we repeat a Creed Which “living up to” is hard indeed. But, on the whole, I think you’ll agree Even trying is good for you and for me.

Contributed by Annie Crozier.

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