A number of people were employed from 1939 to 1961; egg-graders, meat-cutters, and clerks - Duncan MacKay , James Harding , Robert Craig , Archie "Bo" MacDonald, Hilton Bryanton , Lome Nicholson , Helen Craig , Maybelle Easter , Evelyn MacDonald , Mary Hunter , Barbara Palmer , Ruth Morrison , Orville Adams , Edwin Simmons , and Francis Shields . W. K. Crafer made many trips to Kensington in winter with his team of horses with loads of eggs returning with groceries. THE NORTH SHORE SILVER BLACK FOX COMPANY LIMITED After the building of wooden ships ended, Summerside became the center of the fox breeding industry on P.E.I , and the headquarters of the Canadian Fox Breeders Association. Prince Edward Island had become famous all over the world for the breeding of silver and black foxes. The pioneers who established the fur farming industry on P.E.I , were Charles Dalton , Tignish and Robert Oulton , Alberton . After Mr. Dalton sold a pair of foxes for twenty-five thousand dollars in 1909 the business flourished and many became interested. In 1913 'The North Shore Silver-Black Fox Company, Limited" was formed. The shareholders in this company were, A. Bannerman Warbur- ton, D. Edgar Shaw , John S. Cousins , William Cousins , Robert T. Mac - Nutt , James Cousins , R. Leigh Sutherland , C. Ernest MacNutt , Leslie D. MacNutt and Hume Hopgood . Sworn to at French River , the 2nd day of June 1913, before me, Charles McGregor , J.P . for and witnessed by Calvin Beairsto , Park Corner , Laborer. L. Miriam Cameron , Charlottetown , Stenographer, and G.S. Inman , a commissioner for taking affidavits in the of P.E.I. The Fox Company Farm was located on the farm of the late James Cousins and where his son David Cousins now resides. FARMER The farmer's trade is one of worth, He's partner with the sun and earth, And if men rise, or if men fall, The farmer must feed them all. The farmers of the Baltic who at present farm and cultivate extensively all the farmland in the district, raise cattle, pigs, grow potatoes and grain are, Bruce Riley , Bruce Crozier , Bruce and Joseph MacKenzie, Darby Brown , Wyman and Earl Clark, Russell O' Dell . Other farmland owners are, Ralph Bryenton , Neil MacLeod , William McGillvary , William Woodside , W. Keir Crafer , Jack Cole , Cliff Ramsay, Dr. Betty Hall , Gladys MacDonald , Dr. S.R. Cameron , William Burns , , Robert Keir Cousins , , James Beairsto and June Pearson . 22