Eggs have been an important food to man for centuries. They were a delicacy since cavemen spirited them from the nests of wild owl - from
which todays domestic chicken is descended. The famous riddle which has plagued men for centuries:
“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” we have it on the highest authority, it was the . . . . '. . chicken!
Here’s the proof - Genesis, Chapter I, verse 20.
In a letter to Alfred E. MacLean Esq. M.P.: , \ April 27, 1939
Rural Mail Couriers’ holidays previously limited to Christmas and New Years will be extended starting May 2, 1939 to include Good Friday, Dominion Day, Labour Day, and Thanksgiving Day. -
Signed, Norman A. McLarty Postmaster General
Rural Mail Couriers: John GlOver (grandfather of Horace Glover) Alvin Glover (father of Horace Glover) Herb MOase Andrew Thompson Lewis Gorman Annie Gorman Boyce Hiltz George Hiltz
' Jack Duggan Thomas Turner William Donald Robert Dunphy Roy Clark
Baltic had one of the first grist six mills on P.E.I. This was around 1825. Others were at Hamilton, Long River, Rustico. An added feature at the Baltic mill was an outhouse with twenty holes, which gives some knowledge of the number of folk who did business there, and whose every need was considered.