From William Hunters Mill Book: 1936. . . . .Dr. Keir:

Boards... . . .. 875 ft. From William Hunters Mill Book:

1936. . . . .Dr. Keir:

Boards. . . . . . . 875 ft.$3.50 2x,4......... 149ft. -45 2—inch plank. . . 98 ft. .50 75 cts. charges . . . . . .. .75 $5.20 Fulton Simmons: Boards....... 79ft. 2x3......... 66ft. Paid 50¢


In the winter the pond was a good place to skate. Groups of young

people, and some not so young, gathered to enjoy an outing and on Sunday afternoons to skate. The “boys” enjoyed a hockey game, as well.


For many years Bill Hunter spent a portion of each winter cutting ice, blocks of ice 12 x 24 and 18 inches thick were cut on the pond and sold; Bill

had an iceécutter powered by an engine. The ice blocks were stored in ice houses, which were dug into theground and covered with sawdust. This ice

was used the following summer in ice chests, in, vogue before the days of electric refrigerators.

Cutting ice at Hunters Pond.