I "1 and operated by a Colonel G.E. Full who resided in Charlottetown at the time. Colonel Full later bought the starch factory which was situated in Baltic , moving the machinery from here to his establishment in Hunter River . During this time there was also a lime processing operation which existed in the Baltic area. The farmers would use this processed lime to fertilize their fields. It was not as it is today, whereby the necessary lime is bought already processed, and ready for use. Lime kilns were used, the farmers bringing limestone straight from the field, later to process it into a useable form for the benefit of their crops. Malpequefor beauty Darnley for pride Only for the starch factory Baltic would have died. Mrs. W.J. Harrington MRS. ELIZA BERNARDS DIARY 1929 100 lbs. flour 2.85 Sold 16 lbs. ham 3.20 Blue potatoes 45