From the first day they came, The weather it was clear. The garbage it was hauled here, Fourteen loads a day. Icouldn 7 get my woods cleaned, As they weren 7 that long away. A lot of people prophesied, That they would waste a lot, For the ten days they were here, They ate all they got. But after they left, There were some odds and ends, But what could you expect, From seventeen thousand friends. Evereything went over good, And we were awful glad, To see they had good weather, And a good time they had. We were also happy, No one got killed or drowned, THey had a little wind one night, That blew some tents down. Leo Arsenault hauled the garbage, It was a tiresome day, He had to use two trucks, One couldn 7 keep it hauled away. Andy GAuthier operated one, With Leo's father Fred, Leo had his brother Reggie, And son Ronnie he said. We had a special trench dug, We were prepared for a lot, And we were not disappointed, As that is what we got. A lot of empty pop cans, Foam paper cups and plates, 34