To make them grudge their death Save only if they understood

That after all was done _

We the redeemed denied their blood

And mocked the gains it won. Rudyard Kipling 1922


Alonzo Adams, (1884-1928), son of Frank Adams, Sea View married Flora Ethel Ramsay, (1891-1973) daughter of Donald (Dan) and Margaret Ramsay, and resided on the Ramsay farm. Their family were, Elizabeth, Mrs. Lewis Darrach, New Haven, P.E.I., Ethel, Mrs. James Murphy, Kensington, Frank, married Eunice Burns, Freetown and they reside in Dartmouth, N.S. After Mr. Adams death his widow moved to Kensington, later married HartWell Condon, the Red Bridge, Wilmot. The farm property was sold to Alonzo Cameron, Indian River, the house surrounded by an orchard has disappeared.


George Banks resided on a 30 acre farm south of the late William Brander’s farm on the Old Town Road. The family moved to Lot II where his daughter Martha Ellen married a Mr. Inglis and they had a daughter Edna, (Mrs. Trueman Brooks). After Mr. Inglis died Martha Ellen married Urban Paugh, Northam who died in the “FLU” epidemic of 1918 leaving her with a young family —— George, Ellis, Leigh, Arnold and Minnie. No doubt many of this family still reside in that area.


The name “Beairsteau”, originated in France during the regin of King Jean, Louis VII, of France rode with King Richard I of England to the third Crusade. Some years later, descendants fled France, as Huguenots, and settled in Yorkshire, England, where they were given a family crest which depicts the French Eagle over the three crescents, the rope beneath depicting the Huguenots.

In the year 1635 sixty-nine ships brought colonists to America from England, among the colonists landing in Massachusetts were four brothers and two sisters, they came from Yorkshire, England. They came on the ship “Truelove”, Master, James Gibbs. In the ship’s register the name is spelled “Beeresto”, from Sheld, near Halifax, Yorkshire, England. In 1749—50

descendants of this family appears in Halifax, NS. and Cumberland Co., N.S. '