James and Belle were buried in Williamtown, New Brusnwick. Mary Amelia, b. 1847, married Rev. Arthur Carr; they are buried in Camp- bellton, New Brunswick. William, b. 1849, he became a lawyer and married ' Helen Tisdale. They are buried in Winnipeg. Robert Patterson, b. 1852, not

married —- he worked for the Douglas Lake Cattle Company. BEAIRSTO (JAMES)

James Beairsto, son of Duncan (b. 1850, d. 1926) and Joanne (Wallace) Beairsto (b. 1857, d. 1919) married 1879, and the grandson of William Duncan Beairsto and Elizabeth Champion of Spring Valley, was born in 1900 at.“Art Leards Mill” in Spring Valley and moved with his family, at the age of eight, to Indian River. He later lived at the Baltic Mill where his father was a miller and ground wheat with Burr StOnes.

The Beairsto’s were a very musical family; playing the violin, the organ, and singing was a way of life for them and they brought entertainment and pleasure wherever they went. James began to play the violin at the age of nine and recalls playing at a dance in Indian River at the age of eleven and was reimbursed $6.50 for an evening. Other members of this family who lived in the Baltic were: Lucy, Millie, Grace, Bertha, Preston, and Fred.

James was employed for a number of years at MacNutt’s Store, Malpeque and in 1928 he purchased the farm of his brother-in-law, William. Brander. In 1932 he married Hattie Campbell, daughter of Mamie Ellis and Russell Campbell, Indian River. They have two sons 8 Fred who joined the Canadian Armed Forces at the age of sixteen is presently stationed at Mill Cove, N.S. He is married to Jean Burke of Newfoundland and they have three children: Dean, Gregory, and Heather. Robert lives in Toronto and is in Real Estate, he is marriedto Carol Bell of Borden, P.E.I., they have one son, Stephen James Arnett.

In 1964 Jimmie and Hattie retired from farming and moved to Ken- sington, however they are both still very active in all community activities in Baltic. James operates a barber shop which is a meeting place for old friends and customers and entertainment on the violin is provided.


Fred Beairsto b. 1890, d. 1973, son of Duncan and Joanne Wallace Beairsto. When a young man worked at D.P. MacNutt’s factory and farm. He married Fanny Mountain and they resided on the Royalty Point Road. They had two daughters Millie and Dorothy.

In 1923 Mrs. Beairsto died leaving two young daughters who were raised by their Aunt Grace and Uncle Parmenas Phillips. Fred bought the house by the Clover Farm from John Crozier and was employed for a number of years on the C.N.R. ferries and drove by horse and wagon the twenty-two miles to work.