James and Belle were buried in Williamtown, New Brusnwick. Mary Amelia , b. 1847, married Rev. Arthur Carr ; they are buried in Camp- bellton, New Brunswick . William, b. 1849, he became a lawyer and married Helen Tisdale . They are buried in Winnipeg. Robert Patterson , b. 1852, not married — he worked for the Douglas Lake Cattle Company. BEAIRSTO ( JAMES ) James Beairsto , son of Duncan (b. 1850, d. 1926) and Joanne (Wallace) Beairsto (b. 1857, d. 1919) married 1879, and the grandson of William Duncan Beairsto and Elizabeth Champion of Spring Valley , was born in 1900 at " Art Leards Mill " in Spring Valley and moved with his family, at the age of eight, to Indian River . He later lived at the Baltic Mill where his father was a miller and ground wheat with Burr Stones. The Beairsto's were a very musical family; playing the violin, the organ, and singing was a way of life for them and they brought entertainment and pleasure wherever they went. James began to play the violin at the age of nine and recalls playing at a dance in Indian River at the age of eleven and was reimbursed $6.50 for an evening. Other members of this family who lived in the Baltic were: Lucy, Millie, Grace, Bertha, Preston, and Fred. James was employed for a number of years at MacNutt's Store, Malpeque and in 1928 he purchased the farm of his brother-in-law, William Brander . In 1932 he married Hattie Campbell , daughter of Mamie Ellis and Russell Campbell , Indian River . They have two sons 8 Fred who joined the Canadian Armed Forces at the age of sixteen is presently stationed at Mill Cove , N.S. He is married to Jean Burke of Newfoundland and they have three children: Dean, Gregory, and Heather. Robert lives in Toronto and is in Real Estate, he is married to Carol Bell of Borden , P.E.I. , they have one son, Stephen James Arnett . In 1964 Jimmie and Hattie retired from farming and moved to Ken¬ sington, however they are both still very active in all community activities in Baltic . James operates a barber shop which is a meeting place for old friends and customers and entertainment on the violin is provided. BEAIRSTO , FRED Fred Beairsto b. 1890, d. 1973, son of Duncan and Joanne Wallace Beairsto. When a young man worked at D.P. MacNutt 's factory and farm. He married and they resided on the Royalty . They had two daughters Millie and Dorothy. In 1923 Mrs. Beairsto died leaving two young daughters who were raised by their Aunt Grace and Uncle Parmenas Phillips . Fred bought the house by the Clover Farm from John Crozier and was employed for a number of years on the C.N.R . ferries and drove by horse and wagon the twenty-two miles to work. 40