I Dorothy married Ray Noonan deceased of Borden, they had one daughter Freda. Millie married Ralph Leard , Borden'and "they hav children; Fred, Ralph, James, Gary, Diana, Dorothy, and Caroline. BEAIRSTO Everett Beairsto son of Preston and Kate Champion Beairsto married Dorothy Simpson and farmed the property of his father Preston where ■™1*T n°u reSidCS- ThCir family are' Be"y> Preston> Clifford, Audrey Mabel , all born in the Baltic . The family moved to Malpeque resfdes nTp7 S b°rn^ere».now reti^ from the Liquor CommLL resides in St. Eleanors with his wife Velma. BERNARD The Bernards are United Empire Loyalists, Samuel left Normandy France on account of religious persecution, crossed to Holland and then to England . He settled for a time in Yorkshire where he was well received and liked the place and people, but hearing favorable stories of America he decided to go where there would be more advantages for his then large family^ He settled in New State, was only there a short time when he ZS,a7SQfieit0 C UP amS againSt England >this he did not wi«h to do and in the 1798 Census it reports, Samuel Bernard , his wife and five sons and two daughters settling ,n French River , five children were born after their arrival. His grandson John Bernard married Barbara Champion and settled in Long River while James Bernard settled in the Baltic Lot 18. BERNARD First generation Samuel Bernard (b. 1759) married Elizabeth Vine of New Jersey . Their children Samuel, Charles, John, William, Elizabeth, David, Mary, James, Charlotte, Sarah, Lydia, Archibald. All born between 1785 and 1810. Second generation. Charles Bernard (b. 1787) married Sarah Beairsto . Their children Anne Archiba ^r8' Catherine' Ge°rge' Elizabeth> Samuel, William, Charles, and Third Generation. The first to settle in Baltic . Th Jar"e* Bernard