infancy. Frank L. Bernard (b. 1892), son of Johnson and Martha Bernard, remained on the family homestead until 1964 when he sold it to Cliff Ramsay. He married Grace Bernard in 1932, they resided in Summerside where Frank passed away in 1969 and his wife died in 1973. Ansel Bernard, son of Johnson Bernard , was born in 1895 and raised on the Bernard homestead-property now owned by Dr. Betty Hall . In 1917 he married Edith Campbell and they bought a farm on the from James Brander . They had one son, Ellsworth Earl (b. 1918, d. 1971). Mrs. Edith Bernard passed away in 1919. In 1922 Mr. Bernard married Maria Campbell . They sold the farm to William Brander in 1924 and bought a smaller farm on the , adjoining the family homestead from Alexander Henry . Their children are Doris (b. 1923), Mrs. Herman Bryanton , living in Spring Valley ; and Verna Mildred (b. (1933), Mrs. Harold Bigelow , living in Summerside ; another daughter, Verna Mae , died in infancy. Ansel and Maria sold their farm to Cliff Ramsay in 1967 and moved to Kensington and finally to Summerside . Eliza Mae , only daughter of Johnson and Martha Bernard, born 1897, married Edwin Donald of in 1920. They resided there until 1945 when they moved to Summerside where Mr. Donald passed away in 1972. Their family Evelyn Mae , married Everett Cousins , their children Diana and Heather; Leigh Beairsto married Olga Harris . Their family Gregory, Gaylene, and Gary. Mrs. Donald is now a guest at . It is interesting to note in "Longlivity Candidates'' a Column written by Uncle Joe for a local paper that George MacLeod , Irishtown , marries Hannah Bernard Baltic , Feb., 1884, they had two sons, they had been married sixty-four years. Mr. MacLeod at ninety is still alive, he is a pipe smoker, but does not bother with John -Barleycorn . BERNARD John Bernard , b. 1852, d. 1941, married in 1874, Olivia Crozier b. 1846, d. 1931, their family were, Crozier, Janie, Ernest, James and Susan. They resided on the property known to us as William Cousins farm now owned by Robert Keir Cousins . Crozier Bernard b. 1875, d. 1915 married , they had one daughter Ruth who married Kenneth MacKenzie and reside in Moncton, N.B. Crozier lived and farmed the Bernard farm until his untimely death in 1915, as a result of being kicked by a horse on the road machine. After his death his widow sold the farm to her father-in-law John, retaining the house and 10 acres. In the early 40's she sold this property to William Cousins and moved to Moncton with her daughter. 42