Ralph and Phyllis Muirhead Bryanton, former Hamilton, RBI. and later of Ontario residents bought the farm property of Neil MacLeod, fOrmerly “the Donald Farm” on the Malpeque Road in 1959 and returned and settled here in 1961. They modernized the house and added a lovely flower garden. Ralph is a dry wall contractor and Phyllis is employed at The Stitch and Sew in Kensington. They have two children, Terry Lynn a student at Kensington Regional High and Jerry Lee who attends Kensington

Elementary School. Jerry has his own horse, an interest handed down from his grandfather Edgar Bryanton.


Andrew Bryanton and his wife Jane Cousins, daughter of James Cousins, Irishtown, resided on the Holmes Road opposite David Holmes black-smith shop. Their daughter Mary married David Holmes.


Ray Birt and his wife, Jean Woodside, of Sea View purchased porperty

from Gordon Champion in 1973, selling it the following year to Hartwell Crozier.


William and Edith Inman Burns purchased the property of James and Thelma Champion in 1961 and moved there from the store. They made extensive renovations, enlarged the acreage, planted pines, sweeping willows, spruce, and rowan berry trees, and added a rose garden. They

named their home ‘r‘Merrywood” and resides here year round, except for the bitter winter months.

This is the second house to be built on the property, the first house was destroyed by fire. The present house is approximately 125 years old.

William Burns is a descendant of the Champions, his grandmother, Barbara Champion, married John Crozier on November 10th, 1858 at St.

Thomas Church, New London, by Rev. M. Meek. William passed away in 1978.


Benjamin Burns, son of David Burns and Hannah Champion was born

1822, d. 1970, in Spring Valley. In 1918 he married Susan Bernard, daughter of John and Olivia Bernard, the Holmes Road, Baltic and they resided at the Bernard homestead until they retired in 1952 and moved to

Kensington, P.E.I. They sold this property to William Cousins. Ben and Susie celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1968.