They had one daughter, Anna Jean who married Keir'MacKay, son of Frank and Lucy (Abbot) MacKay, in 1938. Their family are: Ralph, Iva, Norman, Donald, Kathleen, William, Austin, Goldie Lillian, Betty, Wayne, Thane, Esther, Robert, and Donna deceased 1975. Anna and Keir

reside in Long River.


In 1969 John Butterfield bought the house and some acreage from Richard Wall and he and his wife, residents of Bermuda, spend their vacat- ions here. They have one daughter Toby.


Alonzo Cameron son of John Cameron, Indian River bought the farm of Alonzo Adams, formerly the Dan Ramsey farm on the Old, Town Road in 1921. He and his wife Bertha McLellan resided there until 1927 when they moved to their present location in Indian River. Three of their children were

born in Baltic, Roderick, Ottawa, Joseph, Indian River, and Mary, Stoney Creek, ONt. Mr. Cameron still retains this property, the buildings have

been demolished in recent years.

CAMERONS (Spooky Acres)

Dr. Sheldon and Isabel (Inman) Cameron bought their property overlooking the Baltic River from Ivan and Bell Davison in 1961. Here, with their children Fred, Suzanne, Shelley, and John, they have spent the

summers ever since, maintaining this property as a year-round recreation spot. It was named “Spooky Acres” since the original visit by the family

occurred at dusk, causing one of the children to exclaim, “This is a spooky place!”

The Camerons have taken part in many community activities. Their son, Fred is now employed with the Department of National Defence in North Bay, Ontario. Suzanne is now a potter having her own business in Wolf— ville, Nova Scotia, while Shelley is studying languages, and John is at-

tending University.


Ron Cameron and his wife Mary purchased the Ron Uruski house in 1972 and resided there until 1976. They then sold the property to Paul and Brenda Vreeland.


Louis Carrol 1 from St. Peters, P.E.I. married Lulu MacKenzie in 1934, daughter of William and Ada (Bryanton) MacKenzie. They resided in her family home until 1940 when they built a new home on the same property,