until she passed away in 1977, age 88 years. Two grandsons also resided

here, Buddy, now residing in New Annan and Allan, Sea View, now deceased.

MacDonald property. They built a home which was moved to the Baltic River by Ivan Dawson and is now the summer home of Dr. Sheldon and

Isabel Cameron. The house was renovated in 1977 and it was found to be built with boards, hand sawed some 18-24” wide and insulated with birch

bark 24” as well as tar paper. The inside chimney is of hand-hewn island

sandstone. This house is over 175 years old and is believed to be the oldest house, now standing, in Baltic.

of Baltic Lot 18 W.I. Their family are Herbert and Ronald who operate the farming business with their father, Donna (Mrs. Garth Cobb) employee of

Schurmans, Kensington and resides in Malpeque, Sheila, Norma, Marlene, Ewen and Paula all studentsat various schools in the province.


The house now owned and occupied by Jackie and Wilma MacKenzie Cole was moved from the Wallace Waddell property across the river on

“Crowberry Hill” in 1968. The presenthomesite was purchased from Keir Crafer.

Mr. Coles works for Master Feeds in Kensington. The Coles have one daughter, Karen Elizabeth.


The Cousins History dates back to a time of religious persecution in France. Being Protestants they had to flee to the Netherlands. Here they