!ยป James, married Eva Beasley and resides in Ontario ; Robert, married Gloria Brander and reside in Halifax . They have six grandchildren. Robert and Clementine moved to Malpeque , Daniel resided in Amherst Benjamin was a lawyer in New York , William resided in Boston and Annie married Fred Wyand and Thomas. CRAFER Thomas Woodside Bentley Crafer, youngest son of Dr. John E Crafer taught school in Baltic in 1890, from here he embarked on what was to be a very colorful career in the educational and teaching profession. Quoting from Syracuse, N.Y. Alumni News, April 1940, "On April 9 1940 a hundred friends and students dined together in the of the Commons to honor Dr. Thomas W . B. Crafer , head of the Economics Department. The event marked Dr. Crafers twenty second year in this capacity. Mrs. Crafer was a head table guest. A large oil portrait of Dr. Crafer painted by Robert Goodenough , College of Fine Arts was presented from his colleagues and "the Crafer Fund", created through contributions by friends and students, this fund to assist worthy students in the field of economics. Dr. Crafer in expressing his appreciation said, "I have never experienced so happy an hour. Dr. Crafer made the most of his educational opportunities, from the beginning of his student and teaching days in Baltic , he continued and received his first college degree from Mayville Normal in North Dakota . His A.B . degree from University of North Dakota where he was an honor student. He received his LL.B. from Boston University and was admitted to Bar. He was an honor student at and Wisconsin where he received his M.A . and Ph. D. After teaching in Vermont and 55 y