Dr. Crafer accepted a professorship of economics at Lawrence College, Appleton, Wos. until 1920 when he came to Syracuse . Post Standard, Syracuse quotes, "News of the death of Dr. Thomas W . B. Crafer Christmas Day 1962, recalled for many Syracuse graduates a tall, thin, grey-haired vigorous, outspoken professor who was twenty-two years head of economics. He was an economist of the old school, with little patience for the theories of the past thirty years. He had no use for deficit financing. In retirement he became a wisp of a man, still deeply interested in government, economics and politics. His passing ends another link with nostalgic and a more honest past." CROZIER The Crozier's were Hugenots (French Protestants) who were, because of their religion, hounded across Europe until finally they arrived in Belfast , Ireland. James Crozier and his wife, Anne Pringle landed in the Baltic on the farm known as "." James B. 1802, d. 1875, his wife Annie b. 1806, d. 1880. Their son James B. 1838, d.-----married Anne Simpson of Cavendish, they had two daughters Jane b. 1891, d. 1942, who in 1905 married Wallace Waddell and resided here all her life. Charlotte married John E. Bernard , and sons William S., Darnley and James A. California . Children of Charlotte and John Bernard were, Elmer, Kensington , Allison, Kensington , Hartwell and Vera, deceased, Greta and Louise, U.S.A. CROZIER Bruce Crozier , son of Henry Crozier bought the farm from his uncle Chester Simpson , in 1941. This farm consists of ninety acres, and has been used for mixed farming. The house is one of the oldest in the district. Bruce has since built in 1949 a piggery and in 1956 a new barn. In 1942 he married Annie Dyment , Northam , who for a number of years taught school in several districts in this area and is now retired. They have four children: Roy b. 1943 resides in St. Eleanors , his wife is Beatrice Ferguson Barlow, they have two children, Jo - Anne Elizabeth and Kevin Bruce. Roy is employed with the Postal Dept. in Summerside . Sharon b. 1944, a Bank employee, married Gregory Wortman in 1967, and has lived in Welland and Sudbury, since 1975 they have been living in Guatemala, returned to Sudbury in April, 1978. They have two sons, Steven and Carey. Horace b. 1947 emĀ¬ ployed with the Canadian Employment and Immigration Commission as Chief of Special Programs resides in Highfield . Gordon b. 1952 has spent several seasons at Confederation Centre performing in Circus Tent Theatre, 56