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Town Road and lived in the house until 1936 when they moved to the Mill Road. After Jack went overseas with the West Nova Scotia Regiment, Emily bought the Owen house and had it moved from Malpeque to its present site next to Clover Farm Store on the Hamilton Road. They had seven children: Doris Bell resides in Summerside; Margaret married to Clifford Craig, resides in Toronto; Nora Roach, Toronto; Hartwell, Philip, Summerside; Jackie, drowned in a boating accident at Malpeque 1967, and
Bloyce, Toronto.
Jack was a veteran of World War II and served with the West Nova Scotia Regiment, on his return he was employeed at C.F.B. Summerside, and bought the farm now owned by Thomas Tuplin which he later sold and moved to Summerside, where he retired and passed away in 1971.
Phillip Crozier brother of Jack served overseas in World War II and was killed in action on the Hitler Line in 1944. He was married to Beatrice
Caseley who resides in CharlottetoWn.
Hartwell Crozier son of John and Emily Crozier, and his wife Helen bought their home from Ray Birt in 1973. Harty had spent much of his younger life with his mother, sisters and brothers in this house while his father John served overseas. He is employed with the Department of National Defence C.F.B. Summerside. Helen’s daughter Pamela resides with them and attends K.R.H.S. Over the years they have opened their home and cared for one hundred and three foster children. They now have
Tommy a curly headed two year old, a happy but handicapped loved child.
John and Mildred Daley have been vacationers on the Island—as Mrs. Daley was formerly Mildred Ramsay of Hamilton. In 1967 they built a summer home on shore property overlooking the Southwest arm of the Baltic River. The property was acquired from Clifford Ramsay. The Daley’s come “home” annually to spend the summer months from
Watertown, Massachusetts.
They have two children, Pam (Mrs. Tommy Kiley) living in Watertown, and Richard, and his wife Mary Ann.
Kenneth Davis and his wife Judith MacKenzie of Malpeque bought the Louis Carroll farmhouse in 1974. They came to Baltic from Kensington. Mr. Davis is employed at Schurman’s in Summerside.
The Davis’ have two children: Catherine Ann and Patricia Lynn.