Henry Dempsey, son of Ellen Delaney and John Dempsey, lived on property now owned by Neil MacLeod and the family owned land on both sides of the Malpeque Road running to the Old Town Road. When Henry was a young man, he worked in a piano factory in Toronto, in later years, after the death of his parents, he returned to P.E.I. and continued tuning pianos in different areas. Henry never married and made the Delaney home his home. Henry was an accomplished violinist, pianist, and impersonator. On many occasions, he and Charles B. Woodside performed together. A story is told of meeting these two gentlemen in March on the Malpeque Road, walking from Kensington, dressed in dark suits, stiff collars, and bowler hats, each with a violin under his arm. Henry died in 1948 at the age of 80 years.
Donald Evans, son of Jack Evans, Irishtown and his wife Carol Doiron, HOpe River returned from Calgary in 1976. They lived for a time on the Baltic River Road but now reside on the “Mill Road”. Donald is employed with Woodside Aluminum Construction and Carol is a kindergarten teacher. They have two sons, Darrell and Curt.
William Gould of Debuque, Iowa, purchased land from Bill Woodside on the Malpeque Road a few years ago. Recently he built a summer home on the property and has since vacationed in Baltic.
PeOple’s Cemetery, Malpeque. Mr. Green was a harness maker, made and repaired harness.
Dr. Betty Hall bought the Cliff Ramsay house and barns with fourteen acres of land in 1970. Dr. Hall is a medical doctor and was on the faculty of medicine at the University of Ottawa until she took up residence in Baltic.
Reuben Heckbert, born in Summerside in 1851, married J ane' Bassett in 1875 and they settled in Baltic. Mr. Heckbert was a fish peddler serving Summerside for many years. They had one son, John, who married