Millicent Brennan of Spring Valley in 1908. In 1913 they moved to Indian River and sold the property to Archibald Woodside. Daniel Green a bachelor from Bedeque resided there until his death. Other occupants of this house were George Campbell, Paul Gallant, a Hungarian family, Earl MacKenzie, Lorne Silliker, and Fred Murphy. This house was located between Wyman Clark’s and William Woodside’s and was demolished



The original Alexander Henry came from England and settled in Baltic Lot 18, around 1800. He cleared land on the Bernard Road and built a house where Ansel Bernard resided. Alexander b. 1780, d. 1860, he married Isabella McWilliams. Their family were, Isabella (1806-1869), Charles (1808-1865), Mary (1810-1873), married John Clark, Edward (1813-1892) moved to Granville and started a grist mill, Barbara (1815-1898), Dougald (1817-1905), settled in Stanley Bridge, Catherine (1820—1877), Flora (1823-

1 900).

Dougald Henry, b. 1817-1905, married Isabella Paynter b. 1837-1876, their family were, Alexander, (1856-1944), resided in Baltic, William (1862- 1914), died in Yukon, Emma (1858- ), moved away and never heard from Charles (1862-1946), married in U.S.A., Mary E. (1864-1925), married a Wentzeel, John A. (1867-1908), ran a meat shop in Summerside, died in Lynn, Mass., Richard (1869-1958), lived in the Yukon, George Garrett (1872-1944), lived in Stanley Bridge, Edward Hacker (1874- unknown), Lucy (1876-1876), buried in Stanley Bridge.

Dougald Henry’s second wife was a Miss MacDonald, Wheatley River,

0 their children were Nelson Robert (1883-1967), and Flora M. (1886-1906),

neither were married. Alexander Henry, married a Miss Clark, a sister of Neil Clark, Baltic, and his second marriage was to a Miss Constable,

Stanley Bridge, neither had any family.

Nelson Henry a half brother of Alexander never married. Alexander and Nelson, the eldest and youngest sons of Dougald farmed the homestead until 1924, when they sold the property to Ansel Bernard and moved to

Kensington, P.E.I.


The Holmes, emigrated from England in the early 1800’s and settled in DeSable, P.E.I.

David Holmes, Sr. married Sarah Bee and before the birth of David, J r., Mr. Holmes was drowned in Sable River. Later Mrs. Holmes married Neil MacNevin, Milo, P.E.I. Dave Holrries Jr. resided there until a young man, coming to Baltic in 1910, and settled on what became known as the