I» II chewan, returning to Summerside where he passed away in 1971, they have one son John. DESCRIPTION OF KENNETH MacKENZIES LAND Lying and being situated At Baltic in Lot 18 in bounded and described as follows, that is to say: Commencing at a square stake set in the north-east angle of William MacKenzie 's land and on the south edge of the and from thence south eight degrees west the distance of 25.65 chains to Reilly's land, thence north Eighty-seven degrees, thirty minutes east, 4.13 chains, thence south Five degrees east 13 chains, thence east one chain to the , thence north twelve twelve degrees, forth-five minutes east, 40 chains to the south-east side of , thence south eighty-seven degrees, twenty minutes west, 10.90 chains to the stake at the place of commencement, containing an area of twenty-eight acres, sixteen perches of land a little more or less. Indian River , Lot 18. V.S. Gillis April, 1884 Land Surveyor In 1927 this land was conveyed from Robert MacKenzie , Farmer and William MacKenzie , Farmer, and Eliza MacKenzie , wife of the said Robert MacKenzie to Alexander MacKenzie . July, 1927 McKENZIE The McKenzies, now spelled MacKenzie, were among the sixty families who were brought out from Argyllshire, Scotland in 1770, on the ship " ANNABELLE ". They were destined to go to the Carolinas, but instead they were laneded on St. John's Island, on half of Lot 18 Princetown . The Annabelle ran aground on a sandbar and they lost some of their supplies and clothing. Acadians helped the settlers to make shelters among the trees, and the people lived there during the winter. In the spring they hoed in some seed potatoes and grain, which they had obtained from the Acadians. They were blessed with good crops. Other families who came at the same time and settled here were the Ramsays and the McArthurs. MacKENZIE Kenneth MacKenzie (1855-1938), married Jane Fergurson (1852-1922) and settled on a farm on the . Their family born there were, Alexander, Inez, married Tweed Mayhew , Elizabeth, married Frank Ready , Cecil, married Mary DesRoche , Falconer, never married, George married and settled in . Cecil (1886-1947), lost his life in a drowning accident at Borden. Robert MacKenzie , brother of Kenneth, b. 1852, d. 1931, married Eliza 71 • I'd