If MacKENZIE David MacKenzie , son of Gordon and Cecila Hillman MacKenzie married Frances Davison , daughter of Ivan and Isabelle Wall Davison in 1953. Their present home on the Baltic River Road was moved from Spring Valley . David is a Fisherman and carpenter and Frances is closely associated with the fishing industry. They have four children; Diana, 4th year student at U.P.E.I. , Betty a stenographer, Joan and John both students at P.C Vocational School they are both active in 4-H Club work. MacKENZIE ( JOSEPH ) The residence now owned by Joseph and Rolla MacKenzie was moved to its present location, on land previously owned by Keir Crafer in 1969 the former home of Alex Chisholm of Malpeque . Mr. MacKenzie farms' the surrounding property with his father, Bruce MacKenzie . The MacKenzies have two sons, Emerson and Carl. Mrs. MacKenzie was the former Rolla Folland daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Folland , this family at one time resided in Baltic . MAUD MacAUSLAND Maude MacAusland , daughter of James MacAusland , Tyne Valley came to the Delaney home in 1916 and remained with the family until her death in 1953. Rev. Donald Campbell , recently retired from Zion Presbyterian Church, Charlottetown , conducted funeral services at the Delaney home. Charles B. Woodside , a family friend sang a solo, "The ". She was buried in the family plot, Tyne Valley . MacLEOD Neil MacLeod came to Baltic and purchased the farm now owned by Ralph Bryanton in 1951 from Earl Matthews and sold it to Mr. Bryanton in 1959 when he moved to Boston. He returned to Baltic in 1967 and bought land from the Delaneys, known as the Dempsey property and built a home Lila, his sister, came to Baltic with Neil in 1967 after retiring from nursing in Boston. i MATTHEWS John Matthews was born in Kintyre, Scotland and emigrated to P E I as a young man around 1770. He married Margaret Taylor also a native of Scotland , who came with her parents on the ship "KET" or "Quay" of Campbellton , Scotland . The Taylors took passage for Long Island , N.Y but the Stewarts who owned the vessel landed them at Princetown , probably due to sailing and weather condition. To John and Margaret were born ten children: Alexander, John, Hugh, Donald, James, Margaret, Ann. 73 .