i I Alexander married Mary Brander and lived in Malpeque , he died in 1880 at the age of 84 years. John lived in Wilmot Valley , while inherited his father's property. Margaret and Ann were never married and lived on the old homestead in Baltic . Hugh Matthews married Susan Stewart of Kensington and had twelve children; Herbert, Arlington , Mass. ; Utely, Plattsburgh, N.Y. ; George , O ' Leary, P.E.I. ; William, Summerside, P.E.I. ; Jack , O ' Leary, P.E.I. ; Fred, veteran World War I, killed in action, Neil, lived in Baltic and died in 1929; Gertrude, ( Mrs. George Wearn , Boston, Mass. ; Minnie, ( Mrs. Edgar Sobey ), Wilmot , P.E.I. ; Blanche, ( Mrs. William Ozen ) Borden , P.E.I , and Nellie, (mrs. George Anderson , Darnley, P.E.I. Neil married Tressa Harding of Darnley , and resided on the homestead, they had six children: Twin boys Deceased in infancy, Earle, mentioned elsewhere, Edgar, Doris, ( Mrs. George Brander ), Kensington, P.E.I , and Jenny, ( Mrs. Charles Aitken ), New London . Edgar took over the farm with his mother in 1929. He married Mildred Blakeney of , they have three children; Mary, Neil and Garth. Edgar retired from farming in 1972 and was employed in Summerside , P.E.I. The farm was acquired by Russell O' Dell and Mary Matthews O' Dell who now reside there. Edgar and Mildred reside in Summerside where Edgar is employed at . All through the years Eddie and son Neil and Nancy Joan have made a name in the entertainment world, and have always contributed freely of their time and talents in this community. Ed's theme song "Out Behind the Barn" is a favourite of all. MATTHEWS Earl Matthews , son of Neil and Theresa Harding Matthews bought the Donald farm on the in 1945, a World War II veteran. He sold this property in 1951 to Neil MacLeod . Mr. and Mrs. Matthews , Dorothy and Earle and twins Paul and Elaine now reside in Hamilton, Ontario . Son Mark was born in Ontario . MATTHEWS Neil married Nancy Joan Suddard of Oshawa where they led an orĀ¬ chestra and Neil worked with the Ford Motor Company. They returned to P.E.I , and lived in Darnley for a short time. They now reside in St. Eleanors . They have four children: Darlene, Ricky, Billy and Julie. Garth, youngest son of Edgar and Mildred Matthews has travelled 74