, J ■ ■■ ESSIES? emP'°,ed - a -»~ —- with CM. MOUNTAIN lived on the Baltic Bnan k- *. . owned by Darby Brown and EaileCIarf H ?WCCn the houses now nearer the road. ^ H°Wever the Mountain house was O ' DELL ( RUSSELL ) *^-™t££$££fiai d7hter °f ** «* Mildred operation at the mZTcZ^ Z ^T:^ ?"" °" * farming children are Aaron Trov T ZnTuV °'d T°- Their The older children attend ^ .' ^-^ Samanth*> and Ursula. Schools. d Kensm8ton Clonal High and Elementary PEARSON (JUNE( RAMSAY ^^z^&Srztft ,htsix sons and« was shipwrecked in a snowslo™ iff .1 I Sh'P ,he 'Annabelle- ,a„hey.efeabret„sri::^n^it:rhrsr! wife Elizabeth Owen nSs 1« qJ IS and ?"JamUl "835.1892), his deceadantofoaeonheneDhewrPHw .1 '" Ba"iC' E "zabelh ™ • the main road to he s3l .' < W' ° 'hey Clearcd from «^m^^^ lived' in the pVoXyTte" DaTZwn Dam'ey 5 '864' d' '92°' ™" successful farming operate fchjTr.""*' a°d Carried on a 75