= I They have a family of ten children, Sutherland, William, Arthur, Mary, Edith, Norman, Fulton, Robert Keir , John, and Florence. James Ramsay , b, 1867, d. 1939, married Sarah Thompson of Darnley (1873-1955). They built a house on land west of John's farm off the "ot" Road and here they farmed. They had one daughter, Linda, who married Bruce Caseley and now resides in Spring Valley . Keir Owen Ramsay (1874-1939) married Flora Jane Henry (1876-1971) and lived on the adjoining farm property and farmed extensively. While plowing Mr. Ramsay injured his thumb, he was taken to the hospital but blood poisoning set in and he passed away leaving his widow and two daughters; Barbara married Colin Adams in 1937 and they have two sons, Eric and Donald. Jennie married Joseph Caseley of Spring Valley in 1941 and they have one son Carlyle. This property was sold to Gordon Cousins in 1939 and Mrs. Ramsay went to reside with her daughter Jennie. Russell Ramsey (1877-1957) married Bessie Bernard (1883-1978) in 1902 and moved to Lacombe, Alberta in March, 1906. Russell was encouraged by the late Dr. W.T. Hynes , a P.E.I , native, neighbour, and friend to go west. He made many trips to his birthplace on P.E.I , on the "Bluenose Special". The Ramsay's have one adopted daughter Gertrude, Mrs. John MacDonald , Lacombe. William Ramsay (1871-1947) built the house where Bruce MacKenzie now lives, the stones from Beairsto stone house on the Mill River made the basement wall. He was a farmer and never married. He sold this property to Everett Beairsto . Arthur Ramsay (1872-1955) farmed with his brother, John Ramsay with whom he resided. He never married. Margaret Ramsay (1862-1955) married John Crafer (1859-1936) and moved to the Crafer home in Baltic . They had one son, Keir, who resides on the Crafer century farm. Barbara Ramsay (1866-1916), second daughter of Benjamin and Eliza¬ beth Ramsay, never married. RAMSEY Donald (Dan) Ramsay, (1845-1920), son of John and Margaret MacKay Ramsay , Hamilton , P.E.I. , moved to the , Baltic in 1890 he married Margaret Ellen MacGougan (1866-1893), daughter of James MacGougan and Flora MacDougall , Canoe Cove , P.E.I. , who resided on the property where George Riley now lives. Dan bought the Craig farm and resided there all his life. 76 M_