now live in Edmonton.
Paul and Brenda Vreeland moved into the house formerly owned by Ron and Mary Cameron in 1976. Brenda is a former islander from Tryon
while Paul is a former resident of Connecticut. They have two young
daughters: Carolyn and Katheryn. Paul is a Social Worker and his wife isan avid weaver.
Wallace Waddell was born in Mt. T ryon in 1880 came to the Baltic and married Janie Crozier in 1905 and settled on the farm of her parents James and Annie Crozier, known as “Crowberry Hill”. They had no family. In 1943 Wallace married Preezie Waddell, Kelley’s Cross, P.E.I. After
Wallaces death in 1958, a nephew Allison Bernard inherited the property and later sold it to Bruce MacKenzie.
Preezie nowresides in Crapaud, P.E.I. with her aged parents Gordon and Margaret Waddell.
The house on “Crowberry Hill” has since been moved to the main road
and is the attractive home of Jack and Wilma Cole since 1968, the barn and _ outbuildings were demolished in 1977. ‘
Fred Wall and his'wife, Mary, came to North America from Ireland
approximately two hundred years ago. They ‘settled on the “Old Town” Road in Baltic.
A later generation (probably Fred and Catherine Harding Wall) decided to move closer to the river and begin fishing. In 1860, with the help of
William Bassett, they cleared a wooded area on the Baltic River Road and built a home.
Fred and Catherine had two children; Catherine, who married Dawson
Dickieson, had six children (four girls and two boys) and lived in the home formerly occupied by her parents.
Their son, Fred (Hebb), married Jane McCarty of Darnley and had four children: Richard, Mary, Fred, and Belle. Hebb built a house next to the Dickisons in 1875 and moved it across the road (to its present location) in 1890. Fred (Sr.) died in 1909 and his wife Catherine died in 1919.
In 1935 Fred (Hebb) and his wife Jane bought the Dickieson house for $1800 and gave it to their son Richard. Richard married Beatrice Caseley and they had three children; Harry, Reuben, and Muriel. AF ter the death of