James and Isabel Beairsto Woodside lived on the Malpeque Road overlooking beautiful Malpeque Bay, .they farmed here and raised the following family: Charles Beairsto married Mary Harding; William, died age 28, never married; Ella Maude married Ray Birt of Sea View, now resides in Summerset Manor; Minnie, married William Tuplin, lived in

Indian River. Charles B. and Mary Harding resided on the family homestead and their family are: Maybelle, married Roy Easter and now resides in New Annan;

Carrie, married Frank Craig, now deceased; Minnie, died in infancy; Muriel, married George Wall of Dar‘nley; Jimmy, deceased; William,

married Shirley Tuplin.

Charles and Mary farmed fourteen acres and were valued employees of D.P. MacNutt’s and North Shore Packing Company.

The family of William and Shirley Tuplin Woodside are: Gregory, Mary, and Todd; all are students at Kensington Regional High School.

William is a barber in Kensington and Shirley is employed at Polar Quick Freeze. The entire family is interested in raising and training race horses. All through the years the Woodside family have been a very musical family, their playing instrumental music and singing brought great en- tertainment and enjoyment to scores of people. Maybelle has been an organist in the local Presbyterian Church over the years. William plays with bands and for concerts, as does his young family. They have been gifted with fine voices and musical talent through the generations.


- Around 1880-1885 Archibald Woodside acquired ,what was to be i Baltic’s first good” cart. These carts were used to haul the stooks of grain. '


Others who resided in Baltic for shorter periods, but attended school here were: Edward Champion, Nancy MacDonald, Garth and Floyd Wall, Janet, Terry, and Vernon Murphy, and Stacey MacKenzie'.

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