Little River had seen the arrival of the Cooper family about 1810, the Underhays in 1818, and the Mills' about 1820. The McKie's were known to be established by 1840. These families settled on lands that had been partly cleared by the Cheveries. The early 1800's also saw the growth of Annandale . The Swallows, How- letts, and Chaffeys had arrived and by 1880 Frosts, Clarks, Thompsons, Nortons, Tossels, Taylors, and Yorstons were present. The settlement had two stores, a forge, a shoeshop, and a limekiln at this time and a thriving trading business with vessels. 's population had been increased by the Jenkins (1864), the Dingwells, and the Blacks. The earliest register of St . Francis De Sales Church showed that in 1864 Mullin, Brown, Steele, Blackett, Campbell, Maclnnis, Lawiess, MacCormack and MacDonald families were residing in the area. - Big Run area was settled as travel moved up the River. Before 1840 a priest was serving the area. By 1880 common family names inĀ¬ cluded Taylor, Robinson, Robertson, Morrison, MacLeod, Campbell, MacLean and Johnston. Settlement did not occur until the 1840's in the Bridgetown area. In 1840, sixteen families with Presbyterian background arrived in Dundas . These families included Campbells, MacDonalds, and Mathesons. Acorns, Martins, MacKinnons, Nicholson, MacKays, MacLeods, and MacKenzies were also early settlers. Bridgetown 's first settlers included the Clay and Saville families. Captain Edward Saville sailed his schooner "Blue Rock", the first to come as far as Bridgetown , in 1850. The shipbuilding attracted many people to the area. The decline of shipbuilding meant several shipyard workers settled in the area. The surnames of Ward, Morrison, MacKay, Clay, and Saville are shown as living in Bridgetown . The actual population has increased only slightly since the 1880's, although many families have arrived in the area. The economic situation has forced many young people to settle and raise families off the Island. Many original family names of the area no longer exist. The information for this section was obtained from church histories, maps of the area, Meacham's Atlas of 1880, and brief histories of the Annandale and Bridgetown areas written by George E. Saville around the turn of the century.