1865, the "Thirza" in 1865, and the "Aeneas" in 1866, 70 feet long and 20 feet wide. Those ships were all built for Robert Longworth , a Charlottetown business¬ man. In 1867, James Jenkins and his three sons launched a ship in Little River that capsized and sank. His son Robert was drowned while Charles and Francis held fast to parts of the boat. A team of horses were used in the rescue. James Gray Jenkin's house in now owned by James Johnson who was married to the late Gladys Jenkins , a great-granddaughter of James'. This house is probably one of the oldest houses still standing in . It had a large dining room panelled with virgin pine boards 28 inches wide. The finish and mantle boards were brought from England on a vessel. There were originally five fireplaces in this house. There was a combined bar and ballroom upstairs with sliding panels between. When a ship was launched gala parties were held at this house. The shipowners would come to celebrate the launching and it is reported that the Lieutenant - Governor even visited one such occasion. It is of note that most ship¬ builders houses were extremely well built, since good material was readily available. The days of sail were undoubtedly an exciting time in which to live. Ship¬ building exists in a minor way even today in our area, where fishing boats have been built by Merrill MacDonald and Bill Tassell as well as the present time two boats are being constructed at Campbell's Boat Building and Repair Shop. The sea will always play a large part in the lives of all who live along the waterways of Eastern Kings County . According to the 1861 Census, the following people were employed in the shipyards of the area: Jenkins Shipyard : James Jenkins - Shipbuilder , John Gillis - Blacksmith, Angus Curry - Sawyer , Peter Campbell - Joiner , Michael MacForston - Caulker, Marcy Walker - Cook ; MacDougalls Shipyard : John MacDougall - Shipbuilder, Angus MacCormack - Joiner , Fabine MacKinnon - Carpenter, Roderick MacKenzie - Carpenter , Duncan Stewart - Carpenter , Catherine MacDonald - Cook ; Maclnnis' Shipyard : Martin Maclnnis - Ship¬ builder, Catherine MacLean - Cook , John Frost - Farmer , Robert Howlett - Farmer , William Robinson - Farmer . 29