The hearse is still stored in the small hearsehouse on the property of St . Francis De Sales Church, . This joint purchase and use of the hearse was very advanced for the day. As Maybelle MacDonald , , stated, "A person feels rather proud to know that happened in your settlement so many years ago. That the people of different religions could get together and do things together in the betterment of everybody". The intermingling of the Protestant and Catholic faiths meant the citizens adopted customs or habits to avoid the development of prejudice. One of these was a strong tradition of having three Catholic and three Protestant pallbearers. It is rather amusing that the Catholic pallbearers still preferred to be able to give their Catholic comrades what was know as the "last swipe", the last smoothing of the grave. In one incident Bob MacDonald of realized this and managed to delay the smoothing by casually dragging the rake over the surface after Paul Lawless had given what he considered to be the last smoothing. Mr. Lawless would then feel compelled to rerake, and Mr. MacDonald would promptly counter this gesture. This continued until Neil MacCormack ended the match of wits by saying "Come on boys. Giver the last swipe and get it over with." The people of each church were often known to attend each other's fund- raising activities. Church picnics, socials, and fairs were widely attended and supported by all faiths. Women have always played an active role in the secular part of church life. Organizations such as Ladies Aid, C.W.L. , and U.C.W . have contributed to the upkeep of all churches. ANNANDALE BAPTIST CHURCH, ANNANDALE Some of the first members of the Annandale Baptist Church were men who immigrated from England about 1830. These men came together under the guidance of their ministers to form a congregation. This beginning of the Baptist effort in Annandale dates back to the missionary visits of Rev. A.V. Dimock and Rev. Benjamin Scott who organized nine members in 1844. The first meetings were held at the home of the late Robert Howlett , Sr. The kitchen table covered with a white cloth served as a pulpit. This meeting place was used for some years, until a church building was erected for the joint use of the Baptist and Presbyterian Churches. This original building was located on the west side of the highway directly opposite the present site of the United Church of Canada. This arrangement continued for some years until the present Baptist Church building was erected in land donated by Richard Locket and his wife, Mary Jane Locket , the city of , in a deed of trust dated April 12, 1880, to the Trustees of the Annandale Baptist Church. The evangelical efforts of Rev. F.A. Kidson and the Annandale Baptist con- greation helped pave the way for the establishment of a second Baptist church in Dundas in 1872. The pastors of the Annandale Baptist Church, both Ordained 33