deed shows Rev. John W . Butcher, the first minister, as being the purchaser. Witnesses were Alexander Hayden , John Johnson , George Wise , William Wood , James Brehaut , and Edward Turner . On May 25, 1863, Mrs. Dundas laid the corner stone of the Methodist Church Chapel. The building constructed was used for Methodist services until 1925. It was referred to as the "Little Church". The services were held on Sunday evening to make it possible for the Presbyterians to attend this service too. There were prayer meetings and a great deal of singing. On Friday evenings, all the young people gathered for Christian Endeavor services, which were held downstairs. The Methodist congregation never had a resident minister. It's minister was a circuit minister who also tended to other charges. The Methodist Church had what was probably the first female participation from the pulpit. Minnie M. Ross moved from the New States to Bridge¬ town , P.E.I. , and joined the Methodist church. She frequently led the services and on several occasions addressed the congregation from the platform. She died suddenly in 1901 at the age of thirty three years. In 1925 the Methodist congregation joined with the Presbyterians to form the Dundas United Church. The Methodist Church building was not abandoned as it was then used by those Presbyterians who did not join the union. When use of the church was discontinued, the building was sold to Fred Acorn, formerly of Bridgetown and now residing in Montague. It was remodeled and used as a garage. It is now used as a shop by Blair Acorn , Bridgetown . ANNANDALE UNITED CHURCH, ANNANDALE The Annandale United Church was opened in 1881. It was at this time known as the Grand River Presbyterian Church, and was affiliated with the Bay Fortune and Souris charges. The first minister of the charge was Rev. J.G. Cameron . The original church building was used jointly with the Annandale Baptist congregation. One congregation held services on Sunday morning and the other held their services on Sunday evening. In the early 1880's the two congregations discontinued using the same building for services and each constructed their own place of worship. The Annandale United Church stands today opposite the site of the original church. In 1898 the Annandale Presbyterian Church United with Dundas , becoming a charge of that church. When the Bridgetown Methodist Church united with them in 1925, it became known as the Annandale United. The church never had a resident minister it was always affiliated with an¬ other charge, therefore there was never a manse erected for the church. The present minister is Rev. Doreen Wilson. 36