covered he had left behind an article needed for the blessing. The trip to secure the necessary item was made on horseback the same day by Big Donald Mac- Donald. There wasn’t any Hillsborough Bridge at the time so Big Donald was

forced to travel 125 miles, returning before daylight with the article. The first pastor was Rev. Donald MacDonald.

Although the church did have a parochial house, there was never a resident priest in Little Pond. The house was used by the priest who would arrive on Saturday and stay over until Sunday evening. The priest came about every second week to celebrate Mass and to meet the spiritual demands of the parish.

The parish was annexed at various times to the parishes of Souris, Rollo Bay, and St. Charles. in 1978, the parish again became the concern of the pastor of St. George’s Parish. The present pastor is Rev. Howard Wight.

Long time organist in St. Francis De Sales Church is Mrs. Charles (Augusta) MacDonald. After her first lessons in Souris Convent and from her uncle, D.B.

MacDonald, Mrs. MacDonald became the organist and has held this position for the past sixty three years.



Let us roll away the year,

Happy days of youth recall,

The classroom of the storied long ago. Symbol of the passing years,

Now is going to decay,

So sing we now its farewell e’er we go.


Sing, sing, singing of old school days, School mates here no more who dwelt Sad we say farewell to you

Dear old school, adieu, adieu

80 part we now forever, fare-thee-well.

Three score years have passed away

With the school of yesterday

And memories of the past a tale may tell.

Here we learned our ABC’s

Memorized our one, two, three’s

Good old school of many lessons, fare thee well,