Ode to Cumberland Hill School
Lest we forget the one room school
Wherein was taught the Golden Rule,
in the following lines l’ll attempt the truth
Hail Cumberland Hill! the school of my youth.
The school no longer stands upon the hilltop Surrounded by forest, what a scene!
Where the children came to learn the fundamentals And romp and play each day upon the green. Though it’s walls and floors were not of fancy tiling Where single desks were classed a luxury
And in place of modern steam or hot air hearing
The wood fire blazed and crackled merrily.
Within its rugged walls were taught real lessons Society bears the proof of this today.
On a stage with modest curtains made of bedsheets Was enacted many a colorful Christmas play.
We did not know such things as strikes and boycotts Walk outs, sit ins and all this modern slang
But we clearly understood respect and honour
The moment that old rustic school bell rang.
The water pail sat in a special corner
Where all could reach and dip that favorite cup. Though dust and germs were likely never lacking One loved to run and have another sup.
The outhouse offered very little comfort
With frosty snowflakes drifting through the cracks. There was no such thing as “Saniflush” or “delsey” A place where sanitation was quite lax.
Just to hear those children’s voices on the playground Where gaping pole barns is the scene today
And those stately trees where once we hid our faces Will never more be there to swing and sway
They say those days are past and gone forever
And larger schools and buses there must be,
But that little country schoolhouse by the roadside Will always bring fond memories to me.