« >: : Si5s: -::'':'■ :■:■■:■: '■©|#1;' : Hi Jf"''^?: '::# ; :.:1 S || Irii ■HI Little Pond School Group 1896 Back Row: Standing ( L - R) Josephine Campbell , Annie Tassell , Lilla Swallow , Josephine Blackett , Winnie Mae Blackett , Lela Dingwell , Lizzie Chaffey , Cassie MacDonald, Ethel Chaffey , Mary MacDonald , Fannie Swallow , Sarah Blackett , Lottie Blackett , 2nd Row: ( L - R) Jane Chaffey , Vincent Campbell, Grace Jenkins , Maggie Chaffey , Henry Dingwell , Walter MacDonald , Allister MacDonald , Robert Lawless , Alan Wilfred Steele, Howard MacDonald , Katie MacDonald , Jessie Keefe . 3rd Row: ( L - R) Alfred MacDonald , Peter MacDonald , Paddy McCormack , Joseph Blackett , Regina Steele , Florence Keefe , Eliza MacKenzie , John Alex Steele, Faye Dingwell . 4th Row: ( L - R) Chester Dingwell , Bridget Lawless , Libby Dingwell , Gertie Swallow, Joe Campbell , James MacDonald , Charlie MacDonald , Mary C. Mac ¬ Donald, Mattie MacDonald , Mabel Swallow , Margaret Steele . 5th Row: ( L - R) Joseph MacDonald , Bruce Swallow , Joe McCormack , Chariie J. MacDonald . Angus MacKenzie , Allan MacKenzie , John D. MacDonald . Emma Dingwell, Blanche Dingwell , Ester Jenkins , Mary Veronica Steele , Margaret Ann Steele. LITTLE POND SCHOOL Little Pond school is first mentioned in the School Visitor's Report in 1839. At that time there were only fifteen schools, seven were log cabins, in Kings County and was one of the log cabin ones. We know at the Grand Opening of the new school in 1934, one of the residents, James Mills , an oc¬ togenarian, reminisced of his school days in the old log cabin school, upward of 75 years ago. 50