pitching the teacher to the floor and causing her to knock herself out. She was quickly revived by the older girls who splashed cold water on her. No mention was made of the unfortunate and no doubt frightened toad.

Some of the notables educated in Little Pond School were: Bishop Faber MacDonald, who is presently serving as Chief Pastor of the Diocese of Grand Falls, Newfoundland; Rev. Bernard Macdonald who is now deceased after many

years of service; Rev. William D. MacDonald, parish priest at St. Paul's Sturgeon; Sister Stella MacDonald, Mother Superior to the Sisters of St. Martha, Charlotte- town; Sister Carmel MacDonald, who works in the Religious Education depart- ment and is a former principal of Kinkora Regional; Sister Joan Mary MacDonald, dietician at the Charlottetown Hospital; Sister St. Egbert MacDonald, who is retired in Montreal; and Arthur J. MacDonald, M.L.A. for 5th Kings.

Little Pond was one of the first schools to support consolidation because of the overcrowded conditions and in 1966 the old school bell rang its last. The school doors were closed and the pupils bussed to Dundas.

The school was bought by the Women’s Institute in 1966 for $25.00. The Women’s institute for this area then disintegrated and as aresult a Community Club was formed including men, women and teenagers. The building is pre- sently known as the Community Center. Various suppers, concerts, and plays were held to raise funds and two additions were made, one being a kitchen and the other additional floor space. Little Pond was the only community of the six that kept the old school and used it for a community hall. Today it is widely used by the community for card plays, dances, plays, 4-H activities, weddings suppers, .and meetings, along with other activities.

Beautiful Little Pond

Is strange that in the bygone years The poets have passed it by

And when we look about us

We stop and wonder why.

’Tis not for want of beauty rare is not for want of pride

In our beautiful little bit of land By the Grand’s majestic side.

It must be for want of courage

Or words to express

The sentiments of rapture

That fill each loyal breast

As gazing o’er the landscape

Such beauty fills the eye

Would cause our honoured Bobby Burns To stop and loudly cry

Gae take yer pen and jot it down

And mind you write it well.