water would come down on the teacher's desk. Her arms tired very soon from trying to hold the basin of water up and, amid loud cries for somebody to "Please help”, there was a crash. Then everyone rushed to mop up the water before the teacher arrived back. No one seemed to know just how the floor got so wet.

On other days, everyone would eat their lunch quickly, then push back some of the desks. Lowell Robertson would jig a tune using the pointer for the bow of the invisible fiddle, and the others would dance a set or two.

One of the notables who received his early education at Poplar Point School

is our present Minister of Veterans Affairs and a former Premier of P.E.|., Bennett Campbell.

The school closed in 1965 and the pupils then went to Dundas Consolidated. The school house was put up for sale and was bought by Cecil Campbell, who later sold it to his brother, Clare Campbell. It can still be seen on the Campbell property.

Riverview School Group Back Row: (L - R) Chester Banks, Dan Banks, Matilda Robertson, Mary Robert~ son, Teacher: Muriel Burdett Milford Robertson.

Front Row: (L - R) Reggie'Mooney, Ruth Robertson, Francis Morrison, Christina Mooney.