Is is not certain if all the residents remembered as being nurses actually received formal training in Charlottetowm, although it is known many of them did. One of the hazards of a nurse involved exposure to different diseases. In these days before vaccination, exposure often meant they would contract the disease themselves. The regard in which these nurses were held is also illustrated in a poem, this one composed by Mrs. Loretta Campbell of Dundas . It is a tribute to Margaret (Peggy) MacLeod. Tribute To A "Friend" As you sit by your fireside reading at night Of poets and painters and sages so bright, Of doctors, professors and clergymen too, Who carved a real name in our annals so true. Have you paused for a moment, taken heed for awhile, And counted the blessings God gave to our Isle . You'll recall with much pleasure that here among us, There are real nobel people who don't make a fuss. There are tinkers and blacksmiths and storekeepers fine, Pianists, dancers, and R.N .'s devine, There's one lovely lady, you scarce hear her name, But you'll know it well if you're struck with a pain. If your muscles get cramped and you can't move about, She massages you soundly until you can shout, But 'ere she departs with a smile and a nod, Your stiffness has vanished and you're "Thanking God." For sore throats and sore backs and all stomach flus, She has gargles and pills and a plaster or two, If your shins or your wrists get all skinned getting wood, She'll give you a lotion that heals them up good. Her cool soothing hand she lays on your brow, And the fever soon fades and you're better somehow, She has character too, and an ardent church goer, She's smart, quick and witty, and never a bore. She can speechify too, if put to the test, Collect for the needy when she should have a rest, And if she comes rapping when you least expect, Get out your old wallet, she's aiming to collect. Here's final adieu to our faithful R.N ., We all love her dearly, sincerely and then, If you can guess her name, don't speak out too loud, For it's generous, warm-hearted, dear Margaret MacLeod. 61