The small family farm, with its mixture of animals and crops, had to have fenced fields. These fences kept the animals from getting in and destroying the crops the farmers had worked long, hard hours to plant and care for.

The fences before WWl were usually built of rails, which were cut in early spring and arranged to construct fences. These fences often caused problems between neighbours. The islands law in regard to fences was that if a fence divided two properties each farmer was responsible for maintaining half of the fence. If one farmer neglected to fix his portion of the fence, the other farmer could, and often did, sue for damages.

Disputes were so common that each district actually appointed a fence viewer. His responsibility was to enforce the laws in regard to fences, and to rule on disputes over fences.

Residents also filled the position of Customs Officer,_ Coroner, Fishery Officer, Inspector and Weigherof Flour and Meal, Road Supervisor, and Buoy Service.