Boughton River . The race was held on the ice below the in March, 1978. The drivers in this race included Wylie Taylor , Bert Taylor , Ray MacKinnon ' Harold Jackson , Raymond Downe , and Gary MacDonald. Glenn Taylor drove "Speedy Smith" for Truelove Taylor. Bridge Cheese in background with Courthouse to the left. CONCERTS The hall above Cheese Factory was the scene of a great many concerts. The group known as the Dundas Quartette played a key role in most concerts in that area. The quartette consisted of Charlie Clay , Ed Burdett , Herb MacLeod, and Walter Burdett . They proved to be real crowd pleasers and people would travel for miles to attend concerts in which they were featured. After the death of Charlie Clay , Bill Ives became a member of the quartette. Death broke up the quartette again after several years when Bill Ives and Walter Burdett passed away within one week of each other. Some of their most popular songs were "Road to the Isle ", "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere", "Bells of St . Mary's", and "Old Black Joe". When performing this song they would be covered with black shoe polish. Walter Burdett was often featured as a comedian. He would sing and then tell jokes. It was often said he could hold an audience in the palm of his hand. One particular verse he made up following an exceptionally prosperous fall for the farmers. Many of the local ladies were sporting new fur coats including Mrs. Burdett . At the concert he surprised her by giving the following account of all this— 79