The roads were bad, but did not stop Pedestrians, wagons, cars, tractors, and trailers They came from every walk of life
From the cradle to a sailor.
The Chairman started off in time His nerves were all unstrung Because he saw the crowd
He had to Work among.
We sat and listened to all we could hear The crowd they cheered and cheered But something’s happening outside
At once the hall of men was cleared.
An orderman did say to one I’ll pitch you out on your head But alas came back the echo I’ll pitch you out instead.
Things went from bad to worse Till Santa did appear
Bringing with him lots of joy And loads of Christmas Cheer.
We thought it all was over
With the singing of the King,
But it was then the trouble started And the fun it did begin.
The Moonshine it began to tell, And men began to fight Everyone who came along Was thrown left or right.
The ordermen they hollored
And they madly tore their hair
Then their heads resembled Heaven For there is no parting there.
Ears were bleeding, knuckles torn Black eyes were all about
Hoping then to clear the hall
The constables shouted “All lights out”
A moment's calm was felt around Each man relaxed with hand in pockets When looking up toward the sky
They saw a flaming rocket.
The one who fared the worst off Was laid upon a table
And then his brother was rushed off To bring out Dr. Abel.