I think my tale is nearly through And from the truth I did not rove Nor must I now forget to tell That out came the pipe and stove. In this a land of justice Or a land devoid of law? Can one man tell another He will sock him in the jaw. O Lord give me a peaceful mind Help me to forgive with grace The ones around who brought such woe Of any country place. Now who will call the Mounties How much will the names be worth Will Forest Hill e're sing again There's "Peace on All the Earth". Anonymous Dundas Baptist Church Picnic at PICNICS AND TEA PARTIES In years gone by school picnics, church picnics, and tea parties were very popular and looked forward to by young and old alike. Picnics were more a social event and tea parties held to raise money. Picnics were held in different places in the communities. School picnics were usually at the shore or in a shore field. On June 28, 1929, the children from Annandale and their mothers went to Poplar Point in Fletcher Robertson 's boat 88