Saville The Brave Man
' Come list while I tell you a song of the ocean
_A story that was one time told to me How Saville the brave man, while other men trembled,
Defied the fierce wind and the wild raging sea.
It being the morning the twentieth of April
The morning that each man must run out his lines But when they looked at the cloud to the westward It was plain to be seen that it would not be fine.
But Saville he started in spite of the warning
For which he received his most courteous thanks Soon the Alma she plowed the blue ocean Arriving at last at the fisherman’s banks.
Saville with MacKenzie, his mate and his partner Sat down for to wait ’til the hour they must run Soon a fierce gale and a wild raging snowstorm Swept over the ocean at the rise of the sun.
Saville dropped his sou’wester, stowed it down in the cuddy, While MacKenzie stood near him with bailer in hand,
And reefin‘ her snugly and weighing their anchor,
They hauled by the wind and made in for the land.
Saville the gallant as he clipped the wild billows
While wintry winds tossed his long curly hair MacKenzie stood near him looking sad and determined His face looked as if it was loaded with care.
They watched from Cape Spry with pitying glances. They thought that no power could the old Alma save, As they watched her dashing through the billows, Those two men would soon fill a watery grave.
They knew not the spirit of those bold daring seamen Who were always determined to do or to die,
But soon they were in where the waters were smoother, A-landing at last on the stage at Cape Spry.
But Saville he started in spite of the warning
For which he received his most courteous thanks Soon the old Alma she plowed the blue ocean Arriving at last on the fisherman’s banks.